We were supposed to get up early and take ATV’s across the border into Oman (where you have to get your passport stamped once a month), but we can’t locate the rental place and Larry
doesn’t have the right documentation to get into Oman. So, instead, we all decide for our one day off to head over to the Hilton pool deck…. But alas, jetlag finally sets in and Nick and I crash for half the day.
Well, jetlag, and a combination of being woken up every night/morning at 4am to the (very) nearby mosque, with its vertical minarets and their multiple speakers blaring Muslin singing/chanting/warbling. Yeah, that’s fun. I had been warned several times by Andrew Schmidt how much fun this was going to be, and yes, I’m a believer.
We finally get up and get moving…. and walk over to the Al Ain Zoo. The existing zoo is about 40
years old and contains a large contingency of desert/savannah/jungle animals… giraffes, zebras, gazelles, ibexes, lions, tigers, and more monkeys than I’ve ever seen.

Well, jetlag, and a combination of being woken up every night/morning at 4am to the (very) nearby mosque, with its vertical minarets and their multiple speakers blaring Muslin singing/chanting/warbling. Yeah, that’s fun. I had been warned several times by Andrew Schmidt how much fun this was going to be, and yes, I’m a believer.
We finally get up and get moving…. and walk over to the Al Ain Zoo. The existing zoo is about 40

One particular highlight is the Birds of Prey show; where eagles,

hawks, falcons, and owls literally swoop right over your head from one trainer to the next. I even got to volunteer to catch a vulture…. strong
little grip on that sucker.

There are 6 of us out here right now, myself, Nick Fairless, Rand Gentry, Larry Hughes and his son Corey, and lastly, Bruce Ora. Bruce also has 2 of his friends visiting from Florida (they were
on a Celebrity cruise through Italy and Greece). Bruce loves to cook up these huge gourmet meals (with some excellent presentation… I feel like a judge on Top Chef).

We are treated to Bruce’s girlfriend Sarah’s eggplant appetizer that I can’t even describe, plus Bruce’s own red beef curry and green chicken curry. Fresh mango slices mixed with mango sherbet arrives for desert….
and bottle after bottle of red and white comes your way; which of course is right up my alley. We even have shots of a French liqueur aptly named Framboise that comes served with a raspberry at the bottom of the shot glass. I slam mine back only to look up and see everyone sipping theirs… a couple seconds later I realize why… yeooow! Good night.

Felt just like when I was studying abroad in Paris and Ken Ray and I slammed back our uber-expensive French liqueur only to hear our professor Terry Schnadelbach scream, “Nooooo! You’re supposed to sip it!”
Some things just don't ever change!
That looks quite delicious!